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AI in Marketing: What You Need to Know (2024)?

Table of Contents

June 20, 2024

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Artificial Intelligence in the marketing landscape is not fresh news. In 1998, Amazon used an early form of AI as collaborative filtering to predict consumer behavior based on data-driven insights to recommend products to consumers. 

However, the significant impact of AI began with the help of marketing automation platforms like HubSpot and Marketo in 2010, when these platforms incorporated basic AI functionalities like lead scoring and email marketing automation. Since then, AI has stormed the marketing landscape. 

Gartner predicts that 80% of marketing teams will leverage some form of AI by 2025. Furthermore, Statista projects a rise of USD 8.4 billion by 2027 in the global marketing automation software market. 

The marketing landscape is going through an outbreak because of AI’s capabilities to analyze vast datasets, automate repetitive tasks, uncover hidden patterns, handle scheduling, data analysis, content creation, and more. 

Ajith Krishnankutty (VP of experiential marketing at Capital Group) says, ‘’If you’re not embracing AI right now, you’re not on the right path.’’

That’s why: AI in marketing is no longer a futuristic concept, it’s here to stay for tech enthusiasts and marketers alike. 

Here’s a glimpse at the top uses of AI in marketing by The CMO Survey. (Source)

How To Use AI in Marketing? 

AI’s integration into marketing strategies is a boon for tech enthusiasts and marketers with abundant opportunities knocking on their doors. Capgemini’s Research Institute’s latest report ‘Generative AI and the evolving role of marketing: A CMO’s Playbook’ reveals that half of the organizations have set aside specific budgets, and 47% have allocated teams to implement generative AI in marketing.

Balancing content creation and personalized campaign optimization, Marketers face a constant struggle for which AI offers multiple solutions:

  • Automated Workflows: From data analysis and social media management to content creation, AI automates repetitive tasks and saves valuable time for marketers.
  • Personalization: AI uses a data-driven approach to tailor content, recommendations, etc. to offer users personalized experiences for higher engagement and conversions. A report by Accenture states that 91% of consumers shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations. 
  • Optimized Campaign Performance: As stated by Gartner, AI in marketing predicts campaign outcomes and helps in data-driven decision-making for maximum ROI. That’s the power of predictive analysis with AI that helps anticipate customers’ future actions based on their past behavior analysis. 
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Opens doors for content creation and chatbots. AI writing assistants generate outlines, write drafts, and ebooks, check grammar, etc based on specific parameters. Meanwhile, NLP-powered chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, qualify leads, answer FAQs, and more. 
  • Big Data: Marketers are drowning in data. With AI algorithms, they can uncover hidden patterns and customer insights as AI excels in analyzing vast datasets that would be impossible manually. 

However, ‘AI is not here to replace marketers, it’s here to augment them. Marketers with AI can analyze data faster, personalize experiences better, and ultimately achieve superior marketing results.’ – Mitch Lieberman (CEO, LoopLogic)

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 Percentage depicting different content marketing activities where marketers used AI. (Source)

What is AI in Digital Marketing? 

AI in Digital Marketing means using artificial intelligence to plan, execute, strategize, implement, or optimize a company’s marketing efforts to improve efficiency, cost-savings, and marketing performance. It is transformation by leveraging AI strengths like data analysis and automation. 

HubSpot states that AI in digital marketing is used in three major cases:

  • 38% of the marketers use it for content creation
  • 39% use it for research 
  • 40% use it for data analysis and reporting

Surprisingly, Amazon has been using AI for 20+ years with its recommendation engine being the best example. 74% of users who end up purchasing an item do so because of Amazon-recommended products. 

Netflix utilizes each subscriber’s personalized content recommendation feature to keep them hooked to the platform. And, with this Netflix reports that 75% of what users watch is based on AI-generated recommendations of their system. 

Like Netflix, Spotify uses AI to curate personalized playlists and recommendations to drive user engagement. Music Business Worldwide’s study reveals that 20% of Spotify’s listening time is because of AI’s personalized recommendations.

Digital marketing is all about customer experience and AI helps marketers deliver the best experience, increase customer retention, and loyalty, and delight them with personalized content. 

The Blend of AI and Content Marketing

Forrester reports that 67% of B2B organizations use AI in marketing. With AI in content marketing, personalization is a cakewalk. 

In content, AI frames dynamic content changes based on user preferences, online behavior, name, occupation, etc. AI and content marketing help users with a personalized experience with marketing assets like social media posts, emails, web pages, etc. 

Let’s understand with a few examples:

  • 6Sense leverages AI for intent data where you can understand who is present in your audience for the purchase and that’s how it creates a personalized marketing experience for different users. 
  • Pattern89 provides recommendations on ad spend to enable you to align with the right target audience to improve performance. 
  • A free AI-powered tool, Campaign Assistant helps write ad copies for LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, etc with just a few prompts. 
  • Buffer Publish schedules content across various social media platforms for maximum reach at optimal times. 
  • Yoast SEO provides AI-powered suggestions for content optimization for search engines and improving overall readability. 
  • Skott by Lyzr.AI powered by Perplexity’s, Google’s, and Lyzr’s web-crawler technology generates high-quality and engaging content with its outstanding research abilities. Lyzr’s Humanlike API further improves Skott’s output by rephrasing, reviewing, and removing any AI influence from the content to resonate better with the target audience. 

AI tools must be used strategically to streamline workflows, optimize content marketing efforts, and generate ideas. 

AI For Social Media and Content Creation

In today’s digital business landscape, customers demand personalization and AI enables small businesses to deliver content based on their customer’s preferences, leading to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

But, you are hardly able to focus on the above because of time, effort, and data quality constraints. By embracing AI, social media marketing teams gain a competitive advantage as it helps them streamline operations, personalize customer experiences, automate marketing campaigns, conduct thorough market research, and create high-quality content consistently.

Try Skott which helps social media and marketing teams focus on scaling business and building relationships as it is your personal AI content marker that sets you free from writing, brainstorming, researching, idea generation, scheduling, repurposing content, or SEO optimization.

With Skott, you save 240 hours in content creation per month with a 90% reduction in the cost of marketing resources. Plus, there’s a 200% increase in inbound leads within 6 months. By using Skott, expect a 15x growth in visibility across social media and search engines. 

The best part is that it assures 100% data privacy as it runs locally on the cloud. You can rely on Skott without thinking twice for 24*7 enterprise support, 100% customization, and supervised learning for two weeks. 

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   Here’s a list of activities that Skott can perform for your business. (Source)

Automate Content Marketing Strategy With Skott

AI in content marketing is an important part of any 2024 content marketing strategy. Creating exceptionally good content is no more about viral videos or writing catchy articles. Beyond that, it is a strategic blend of planning, execution, optimization and so much more which is not child’s play. Today, 36% of marketers use AI chatbots for their marketing tasks in routine. Moreover, 71% of businesses report an increase in content quality because of AI.

Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. The constant pressure to create fresh and creative content hinders strategic thinking and leads to burnout. CMI reveals that for 60% of marketers creating consistent content is an endless struggle and 40% of them admit that they face major content roadblocks too. For tech content marketers, creating content for the right audience is the foremost challenge. 

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       Other agents like Skott can complete a variety of tasks for your business.

That’s where content marketing automation tools like Skott enter the picture to alleviate this burden. Just imagine a world where content marketing runs on autopilot mode generating top-notch quality data-driven content that improves your search results. This is the power of Skott, your very own ‘Autonomous AI Content Marketer’. 

Powered by Lyzr’s Automata framework, it is a multi-agent system that allows collaboration and handling of intricate tasks. Within the system, Skott breaks down the content creation process into multiple stages, each stage assigned to a specialized agent

In short, it can do more than just write exceptionally awesome content! 

Why Choose Skott – World’s Most Capable AI Content Marketer?

Though there are multiple SaaS marketing tools in the market for automation and content development, Skott is still a preferred choice of many tech content marketers. That’s because these tools are limited in many areas and require human intervention for accurate results. 

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   AI is a game changer for B2B marketing – Skott proves this with its exceptional functionality. 

However, Skott is not just about automating tasks, it is an AI agent who becomes a core member of your team. From writing, publishing blog posts, and researching relevant topics to sharing social media posts on multiple platforms, Skott does it all. 

Here’s how:

  • Runs autonomously 365 days a year without minimal human intervention after setting the initial parameters
  • Automates routine tasks and sets the marketing team free thereby enhancing overall productivity
  • Operates consistently to maintain engagement and brand presence 
  • Doesn’t require additional human resource investment even if you’re scaling up for a large campaign
  • Provides high-customization options to align with specific brand tones and strategies
  • Easily deployable on private clouds to maintain data security

With advancements in technology, Skott is expected to extend its potential to customer support, business analytics, strategic advice, and more. 

Leading the Future of AI-Powered Content Marketing With Skott

The world of AI content marketing is brimming with uncountable options but Skott stands out because of its autonomous operations and deep learning capacity that takes content creation far beyond basics. Not just another AI writing tool, Skott is a full-fledged AI content marketer who helps you with targeted research, SEO-optimized writing, content repurposing, multimedia integration, automated publishing, distribution, self-learning, and improvement. 

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Skott – your personal marketing manager ensures 100% data privacy.

With Skott handling your content creation, your team can focus on scaling business, building relationships, strategizing, and creativity. Skott is an AI content marketer that sets you free from writing, researching, scheduling, or repurposing content. 

Ready to create a data-driven content strategy that delivers results? Request your free Skott demo here.


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