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Agency 2.0: Unlock your AI-gency superpowers now 

Table of Contents

September 19, 2024

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Picture this: it’s 2025, and you, the proud owner of a thriving marketing agency, are sipping your third coffee of the day, marveling at your calendar packed with client meetings. 

You’re crushing it with SEO, social media management, and content marketing. But suddenly, a client calls and drops the bomb: “So… Do you guys offer AI solutions?”

Your heart skips a beat. AI? You’ve heard about it—who hasn’t? But as you fumble for a response, you realize something…your agency might be falling behind.

Cue dramatic music.

Generative AI has exploded onto the scene, and clients are looking for more than just Facebook ads and blog posts—they want cutting-edge AI-driven solutions

If your agency isn’t ready to offer them, you risk becoming the Blockbuster in a world of Netflix.

But wait! There’s hope. You can still turn your agency into the next big thing: an AI-gency.

And before you ask, yes, that’s a real thing—an agency powered by AI magic, delivering solutions faster than you can say “artificial intelligence.”

What agencies offer today (and why it’s not enough)

Most digital agencies are great at:

  1. SEO & PPC: Boosting visibility and driving traffic.
  2. Social media management: Growing audiences and engagement.
  3. Content creation: Writing blogs, ads, and marketing collateral.
  4. Analytics: Crunching numbers and providing insights.
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But with AI coming into the picture, these services can be automated and enhanced.

“Here’s a fun stat: Gartner predicts that by 2024, AI will eliminate 30% of routine marketing tasks. That’s a lot of time saved—time that could be spent on more strategic work!”

To provide insights into which industries agencies typically serve, here’s a breakdown of some key industries that digital marketing agencies cater to, along with their respective focus percentages:

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This data shows that while e-commerce and technology dominate agency services, there’s significant demand in finance, healthcare, and real estate as well. 

Digital marketing agencies are continually expanding into various sectors, adapting their offerings based on the industries they serve​ (beehiiv Blog)​(Search Engine Journal).

This table can help frame the article to highlight that Gen AI can be applied across these diverse industries, adding more value to agencies’ service offerings.

The rise of Gen AI: Why you need to act fast

Generative AI (or Gen AI) isn’t a “buzzword” anymore. It’s real, and it’s powerful. Think tools like Skott, Jasper AI, ChatGPT, and Copysmith—they’re helping agencies create content at a speed humans just can’t match.

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Here’s why your agency can’t afford to ignore it:

  1. Speed: AI can generate thousands of blogs, social posts, and ads in minutes.
  2. Efficiency: AI streamlines workflows, automating repetitive tasks like content creation and lead generation.
  3. Personalization: AI algorithms can craft hyper-targeted messaging based on customer data.

In short, AI makes your agency smarter, faster, and more profitable. And the best part? You get to upsell these solutions to clients who need them.

However, is it worth building an inhouse solution to offer Gen AI solutions? Here’s some data around how marketing agencies can start offering Gen AI solutions to their clients.

Now, the point is, should you build it inhouse or partner with an existing player who offers Generative AI solutions at scale? Think over till we continue the story ahed.

Introducing: The AI-gency

AI-gency (yep, you read that right) is more than a catchy term. It’s a next-gen version of your agency—one that’s powered by AI to deliver faster, smarter, and more scalable solutions to your clients.

Why every agency should aim to be an AI-gency by 2025:

  1. Revenue diversification: AI-driven solutions (like AI chatbots, AI content creation tools, etc.) allow you to upsell to current clients and attract new business.
  2. Efficiency: AI handles the mundane stuff, letting your team focus on strategic and creative work. One study from McKinsey found that AI can boost agency productivity by up to 40%.
  3. Client satisfaction: Clients love personalized marketing. AI lets you customize campaigns at scale. A win-win for everyone.

Future-proofing: With AI adoption skyrocketing, agencies that don’t adapt risk being left behind. Gartner reports that 75% of businesses will use AI in some form by 2025. Time to catch up, right?

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What gets covered in an AIgency?

Here’s what you can offer clients as an AIgency:

  1. Automated lead generation: AI can streamline lead qualification and follow-ups, increasing outreach efficiency by up to 30%​ (Search Engine Journal).
  2. AI-powered content creation: AI tools like Jasper AI can generate blog posts and social media content in a fraction of the time, boosting content production by 50% while cutting costs​ (beehiiv Blog).
  3. Data-driven personalization: With AI, agencies can deliver personalized marketing at scale, resulting in up to 20% higher conversion rates​ (beehiiv Blog).
  4. AI chatbots: These can handle 80% of routine customer service inquiries, providing 24/7 support without adding extra staff​( Search Engine Journal).
  5. Predictive analytics: AI-powered analytics tools help agencies make data-backed decisions, improving ROI for clients by 40%​ (Search Engine Journal).

These AI tools don’t just add value—they save time and give your clients better results.

CoordinationMeeting planning, calendar support, message responsesKono (kono.ai), X.ai (atspoke.com)
Data AnalysisData collection, anomaly detection, predictionIBM Hybrid Data (ibm.com), Dydon (dydon.net), Palatine Analytics (palatineanalytics.com)
Customer ServiceMessage responses, problem solving, transcriptionAISense (atspoke.com), Zoom (zoom.com), Conversica AI (conversica.com)
Creative WorkWebsite design, text generation, visualizationsMolly (welcome.ai), Wordsmith (automatedinsights.com), Adobe Spark (adobe.com)
Market ResearchContent analysis, summary creationGrowthBot (growthbot.com), Hubspot (hubspot.com), Article Forge (articleforge.com)
AdvertisingSocial content optimization, budget analysis, target group evaluationCrayon (crayon.com), Automizy (automizy.com), GumGum (gumgum.com), Sensai (sens.ai)

A glimpse into the future: AIgency is the next big thing for 2025

There’s a reason why agencies are evolving into AIgencies—it’s the future of marketing services. According to Forrester, 50% of global marketing leaders say AI and automation will be a key component of their strategy by 2025.

The benefits?

  1. Scalability: Your agency can take on more clients without increasing headcount.
  2. Competitive edge: AI makes you stand out in a crowded market.
  3. Higher profit margins: With automated tasks and AI tools, your agency runs leaner and smarter.
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How Lyzr can help your agency transition into an AIgency

You don’t have to go it alone—Lyzr is here to help your agency transform into a next-gen AIgency, offering cutting-edge AI solutions that your clients will love.

Here’s what we bring to the table:

  1. AI SDR: Automate client outreach, lead generation, and follow-ups—boosting conversions with minimal effort.
  2. AI Marketer: Scale content creation and distribution across 20 platforms—delivering efficiency and engagement.
  3. AI Chat Agent: Provide real-time, intelligent customer support to clients’ customers—better satisfaction, faster resolutions.
  4. Knowledge Search: Deliver accurate answers from structured and unstructured data, enhancing decision-making.
  5. Data Analyzer: Offer deep insights from client data, helping them spot trends and make better decisions.
  6. Custom AI Agents: Tailor AI-driven solutions to meet your clients’ specific needs—whether it’s automating workflows or improving their customer support.
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Ready to become an AIgency? Here’s what you need to do next

Transitioning from a traditional agency to an AIgency is easier than you think:

  1. Start small: You don’t need to overhaul your entire agency overnight. Begin by incorporating a few AI-powered tools—like an AI chatbot or an AI content creator.
  2. Train your team: Upskill your employees so they can work alongside AI solutions. The key is for AI to complement your team, not replace it.
  3. Upsell AI solutions to your current clients: Start offering AI-driven services to your existing clients. Most of them are probably already looking for these solutions, and you can be the agency to provide them.

Final thoughts: The future is AI-powered

AI isn’t just a trend. It’s the future of business—and agencies that fail to adapt will be left behind. By transitioning to an AIgency, you’ll not only diversify your revenue streams, but you’ll also future-proof your business in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Are you ready to make the shift?

Book a demo with Lyzr and take your first step toward becoming an AIgency today!

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